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Monthly incentive

Each month, two £25 Love2Shop vouchers or charity donations will be given as part of a giveaway to anyone who signs up to the community within a given month. This includes any new members to the community between the first and last day of any calendar month.

In addition, all members who contribute to the Forum will be entered into a prize draw each month to win one £25 Love2Shop voucher or charity donation. To qualify for this giveaway, members must have contributed to the community within the said month. ‘Contributions’ include creating a discussion, commenting on a discussion, voting on a poll, commenting on a poll or completing a survey.

Winners will be contacted via email, asking for their preference for a voucher or charity donation, to confirm the email address needed for the voucher, or to select their preferred charity.

Winners will receive a notification email from Explain Market Research Limited to their email address on or before the end of the second week of the month. The winning users will be asked to confirm the email address for receipt of Love2Shop Voucher.

The winner will have until the 29th of the same month to respond to the Explain Market Research Limited notification email. If a user does not respond to the notification email within this timeframe the prize will be re-administered.